Greetings and thank you for choosing one of our artists for your next tattoo! Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, tattooing as a service has changed in the state of Ohio to include some extra precautions designed to keep both you and members of our staff as safe as possible. All of the guidelines and protocol are effective immediately, and will continue indefinitely until such a time as they are deemed unnecessary. Please read these carefully, as complete compliance is required in order to have any procedure done at our facility. Despite the minor inconvenience of some expanded safety measures, we assure you that we all will be striving to keep the same level of care and comfort that we have always provided to you, our clientele! We are taking this situation very seriously and have every intention of minimizing as much risk as we are able. Much of these measures are made not only for your personal comfort and safety, but for the kind consideration of other clients, as well as our awesome staff. One day, we will all look back on this time and feel good about the caution and consideration we showed for each other. We will all endure, together.  

We greatly appreciate your understanding, again, of all these new rules and protocol. They are, as the nature of things dictates, subject to change without notice both in addition and reduction. Our staff will do everything we can to keep you well-informed in as much time as possible. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, though fortunately we have never needed to exercise it. Tattooing is a service industry, and we at CAULDRON pride ourselves on the quality of our service just as much as the quality of our work itself. The health and safety of our clientele is of the upmost importance to us, and we look forward to serving you. Thank you for time! An up-to-date copy of these rules will be posted in the front window of the shop as long as they are necessary, for your reference. 


The CAULDRON staff.